If you’re going to give money to a food charity like Philabundance, naturally you want to make sure you can maximize the impact your efforts will have – not just in terms of what you personally give, but how much money you can ultimately help raise.
Well, here are a few tips and techniques you may be able to put into practice this Christmas season to help with that.
Take Advantage of Tax Deductions So You Can Give More
The most obvious way to make the biggest impact is to maximize the amount that you give. That’s the bottom line, right?
Well, if you don’t take advantage of applicable tax deductions, you’re giving less than you could be, all with no impact on your bottom line.
Speak with your accountant before you make your contribution to figure out how much you can deduct so that you can donate the maximum amount, not just an arbitrary sum.
Look into a Corporate Matching Gift
One of the great things about making a charitable donation at Christmastime is that there are some corporations that are willing to make a matching gift.
Ask one of your coworkers who donates, or go right to your supervisor or to Human Resources. You should be able to get some information on if your company makes matching contributions.
If your company does, you may be able to double the donation, just like that – without any extra cost to you!
Involve Your Coworkers
Another great way to maximize the impact of your contribution is to get the whole team involved – in this respect, your coworkers specifically.
This is another great thing to do at this time of year when people are feeling most charitable (most contributions to charity are made at the end of the year).
By asking your coworkers to donate – or making a work-wide drive out of it, you can help turn around a greater overall sum.
Ask for Help Advertising the Initiative
If you involve your coworkers, they can help you with something almost as important as giving money itself – communications.
You have limited time, but the more people you can inform about the initiative to donate, the greater the overall contribution is likely to be.
Ask for help from anyone in your company that is responsible for email communications and social media. Ask them to post about the “drive” to get more of your company involved.
Make It a Competition
If you can secure a company match – or at least get the company to sanction the effort – see if you can get someone in your organization to offer some kind of bonus or prize to employees for reaching a certain benchmark.
For instance, if you’re arranging the effort, determine a reasonable goal, and then go about setting up some sort of event or reward if your company reaches it.
Make Your Donation to Philabundance Today
Whichever of the tactics and techniques you use from this article, there’s never been a better time to make a charitable donation to Philabundance, whose work positively impacts millions of people in Pennsylvania and South Jersey. Visit their website for more details on how to donate today!
For more information about Local Food Bank and Food Rescue Us please visit:- Philabundance